A Kuala Lumpur-based Geographical Information System (GIS), mapping and remote sensing consultant who analysed the satellite image further attested to this. They reveal, "Johor (southern state of peninsular Malaysia) does not have natural rock formations and what is seen in the satellite image is man-made. The lines could be walls or trenches," he said. But, besides supporting this hypothesy, they don't rule out former logging trails, fluvial networks caused by receding waters of a dam which is the result of sedimentation.
On the possibility that some of the lines seen on the satellite image were modern-day fences, the consultant said, "Fences are never built around dams in the country. I suspect these could be 'fences' built long ago." He said it was necessary for the authorities to go and verify the authenticity of the site.
Theories and theories......
Scholars & Historians are speculating:-
1. That the city was part of the "Ayuthia Kingdom" (Ancient Siam now known as Thailand) & may be the unidentified Naksat city of the Siamese folklore. Hence, the the word "Gelanggi" could be a mispronounciation of the Thai word "Ghlong-Keow" meaning box of emeralds or treasury of jewels.
2. The Malay annal, "Sejarah Melayu" (meaning History of Malay) has mentioned that the main fort of Kota Gelanggi was made of black stone & was named "Kota Batu Hitam" in Malay meaning "Black Rock City". Sejarah Melayu is a 17th Century Malay text.
3. Ancient Tamil inscriptions otherwise inform us that during the era of south Indian Chola Dynasty in 1025, after destroying the Malay Kingdom, Gangga Nagara.
(Some time ago, I wrote about the "the Bujang Valley" finding leading to ancient Indian settlers in the northern part of peninsular Malaysia)
4. Local Folklore:
According to the locals, Kota Gelanggi was a Kingdom. The King of Gelanggi had a very beautiful daughter. The princess was engaged to Raja Mambang. Many other Kings from the neighboring countries proposed to marry her. A war broke out between Raja Mambang, the princess's fiance with another King, Raja Rusul from Bera. The city was destroyed in the war.
Conclusive Finding?
On April 28th 2006, the Malaysian National News Service (Bernama) reported that the "Lost City does not exist". Khalid Syed Ali, the Curator of Archaeology in the Department's Research and Development Division, said a team of government appointed researchers carried out a study over a month in July last year [2005] but found no trace of the "Lost City".
However, Khalid later added that 'the Heritage Department (Jabatan Warisan) does not categorically deny that it exists, only that research carried out until now [over the month of July] has not shown any proof that can verify the existence of the ancient city of Linggiu [sic]' (Azahari Ibrahim, 'Kota Purba Linggiu: Antara Realiti dan Ilusi', Sejarah Malaysia, July-August 2006, p.37). When pressed for details, he revealed that Che-Ross was not involved in the museum's search team for the lost city.
(........hmm why do i smell a dead rat?)
New findings in 2008.
Late in May 2008, the Malaysian Press reported the discovery of an ancient bronze vessel or Kendi near a river close to Mentakab, Pahang Darul Makmur that may be connected to the ancient city of Kota Gelanggi in Johor Darul Takzim. Both sites are linked by a network of rivers once believed to form a trans-peninsular trading route cutting across the Malay Peninsula. (Ahem.... Heritage Dept, any comments? ;)
It does not really matter to which culture/people/religion the "Black Rock city" belongs. It can be a Malay, Thailand, Hindu, Portuguese, Punjabi, Australian aborigines, Africans, Kunta Kinte, Ku Klux Klan, Mongolians, red indians, black indians, yellow indians, purple indians or......whatever.....!Hmm...our future generations have a right to know, too. History ought to be told as it is and not be swept under the carpet. Not disclosing the find just proves the shallowness of the mind of those concerned with this task at hand.
Next: Discovering the Gua Kota Gelanggi (The caves of Gelanggi City)

The caves of Kota Gelanggi is located in the district of Jerantut, Pahang is fast gaining popularity as a tourist spot. This site is managed by Felda and the entry cost is only a meager RM3 for children and RM5 for adults. According to the officials, in 1998, there were excavation works carried out at this spot and also the neighboring caves where some artifacts were have been discovered.
Image above: Signboard showing the names and distance of the neighboring caves
Image above: Driving through to the site of Gua Kota Gelanggi
Image: A view from inside the cave
Image above: Inside the cave
Image above: Another view from the cave
Image above: Pottery shreds from Tongkat Cave
Image above: Shells believed to be food remnant found at Gua Angin (Air Cave)
Image above: Polished stone axe found in Gua Angin
I am impressed! I never knew there were sacred and secret areas like this on earth!
Yes indeed. I'm equally intrigued.
Thanks for that input, Nova.
do we need to form an independent tracking group? *our history not been fully revealed
great news -- thanks to share with us...
You are most welcome, Nantha. Thanks for dropping by.
Please ask Dr. Rais Yatim why did he asked the government to put aside about RM2 million of money just to find this lost city??
Does the word "Hidden Treasure" rings any bell to any of us?
During that time he formed up several search groups ( treasure hunters ) to find the loss city of Kota Gelanggi and one of the groups managed to locate it, then the story stopped..
Now, what kind of treasure lies beneath this lost city? Is the government going after this treasure?? Maybe our local Indiana Jones can go there and digup something for us to learn..
Or maybe the lost city holds up that 80 ships of gold that were rescued from the Portuguese fleet during their siege to conquer Malacca..
Opss I did it again :P
The Lost City Of Kota Gelanngi
According to Mahathir Malaysian history is not always correct.If anything, other then Malay History it`s a fiction.They are just scared that it will reveal the truth that Malaya was once own by the Hindu Kingdom.
Hi Anon @ August 18, 2010 3:18 PM,
That is indeed quite an interesting statement enough to get anyone bewildered.
Here's something i found:
"some treasure hunters have claimed in the press having found the wreck. The American Bob Marx announced that he found her in 1992 after 3 days of survey, 100 miles away from the original search area. But according to the story, word leaked out immediately and the project was halted."
It can be accessed at the following link that boasts to be the "Holy Grail" of lost & Sunken treasure ships of the world:
It appears that there seems a lot of variations & theories for lost treasure ships. But anyway, thanks for your input for it is indeed food for thought. Why not at Kota Gelanggi...? ;)
Hi Anon @ August 22, 2010 11:47 AM,
In his 22 yrs of reign, Dr M may have said a lot of things, we know that.
But human intelligence always prevails with discrimination to discern fact from fallacy.
Hindu religion was indeed widespread with the mention of Sri Wijaya in Indonesia & Raja Cholan from India. We do have relics discovered to prove of their existence here but not owned by a Hindu Kingdom. Parameswara came from Indonesia, fell in love with a Muslim from Pasai, converted & married her. That is for Malacca. However, as for the other places within Peninsular (we didn't have 13 States then, there are not enough evidence to support this)
Thanks for your say.
Hi Anon @ August 23, 2010 11:04 AM,
It is true that all the races whether here or any other places in this world have their own ancestry cultures & history.
"If you want to change things why don't u start with yourself first. Be positive, stop regretting and quit whining.."
That is a positive statement, thanks bro.
But to ask someone to quit living just because he/she said something contrary to your perceptions may be just a little bit too harsh, don't you think so.
After all, nobody's perfect. We all have our own weaknesses to deal with. Cool down, bro.
Hi there ME
Sorry about my harsh statement. It's just that I'm kinda sick with all this racial, religion & political hatred mumbo jumbo.
If we really understand the history of our ancestors we can clearly see that no matter who we are and what religion we embrace in, life, whether it's in Malaysia or any parts of this world is a constant struggle.
Blaming on other race for our misfortune is completely lunatic. I've seen migrant people like the Vietnamese become successful people in America. Same goes here, I've seen Indonesians and Bangladeshi migrants become rich people ( the Chinese, well I don't have to explain that. Former hard labors who worked in tin mines become successful entrepreneurs ).
So why must we regret for who we are. Why must we whine for our living conditions. No matter where we live in, Malaysia, China or India, we must struggle.
There is no such thing as true privilege for any race including the Malay or Bumiputeras. Privilege or not there are still hardcore poor Malays and filthy Chinese and Indians out there..
I really hope those who make racist remarks on your blog will grow up and move on or be left behind..
Hello again Mystique,
I guess you are already bewildered by my first posting.. well don't get excited yet :P
Let us revisit the event of Malacca invasion by the Portuguese.. Strangely it was a swift invasion.. ( much-much easier that Iraqi invasion by the US ). It seemed that there were no resistance from Malacca's defense.. Why did that happened? I guess the right answer is MUTINY by its own hired soldiers and foreign merchants.. During that time they were really hungry..
Hungry for what? Well hungry for that shiny things call gold, silver, precious stones owned by the Malacca Sultanate..
We can learn something from the event below.
So the Portuguese did manage to grab a whole load of Malacca's treasure in one big ship.. That ship took only the remaining treasure left by the Malacca's Empire. Which means... hmm.. there were a whole lot more.. and the Malacca officials managed to get them away to some place only God knows where ( that's a hint ).. before the Empire completely invaded..
So where did the Malacca Sultan went after that?? ( that's another hint :P )..
Logically, if I move to a new house I'll bring along my furniture, cars, wife of course, cat etc etc from my previous home right ( aiyoo another hint leh )
Once I arrive to this new house I have learned that having been robbed in broad daylight, I then must keep my precious belongings to a safe place where nobody can touch them unless me, the rightful owner. Now I must find a place good enough and safe enough to store those precious things.. That place must be near my new house ( Kota Tinggi ).. where could it be? Ohh I get it.. its......
Am I doing it again??
Sorry the link above is broken, I shall repaste it here;
By the way, it's estimated that the poor sunken Portuguese ship now worth USD9 billion ( yup, that's B not M ). Ever wonder what is the current value of another 80 ships packed with the same stuff which were rescued by the Malacca Empire to that place only God knows where :)
So please, please don't tell me that our government is not interested in this and that they know nothing about it..
Ah, I hate doing this again.. :P
Hi Anon @ ME,
For your post on August 25, 2010 10:44 AM ....
It is ok. Sometimes it does make one feel sick when people fail to see beyond creed, colour or religion. When is it that mankind will learn to identify each other simply as humans and pay mutual respect for one another irrespective of the inherent differences?
Somehow, this is merely wishful thinking. No matter here nor even the US, people have a knack of seeing these differences & massage their somehow distorted view of Superiority Complex.
I work for an American company & from the way they communicate with me, i can easily tell that these ones that i work for, they have an inflated sense of ego especially when they pass sly remarks. (I know not all of them are alike)
But anyhow, I just don't care about their shallow views. What they (my employers) do not realise is that i am equally able to see their silly side judging from their quality of work.
What i am trying to say here is that we must know our capabilities & the stuff we are made off. Then, no political mumbo-jumbo lunatics, fanatics, or human ticks makes any difference to us. We should be able to discern these parasites and live with the values that we believe in.
I know that a lot of things are unfair but we can't change the system but the ludicrous system can only be changed by collective thinking. Until then, it is best to enjoy what we have & grab the bulls by the horn & get moving on.
There was once that i used to cry foul, but i have learnt to move on. I hope the others will also do so & able to enjoy when they discover the best in them.
My best wishes for all.
Hi Anon @ ME again on August 25, 2010 2:50 PM,
Boy, you never fail to amaze me. Thanks! After a hard days night you made me laugh uncontrollably with your remarks.
I like it when you say after saying everything, "Am I doing it again??"
The "M" changed to "B" yeah, well speaking of valuation, logically yes would be the answer.
The Portuguese invasion was state of the art of that era. Thank God, they didn't discover "Scuds" & "Patriots" then, otherwise A-Famosa wouldn't be standing tall in Malacca today trying to tell the rich history Malacca once had.
I remember reading in the "Malay Annal" that close to the invasion of Portuguese, the city's leading officials were highly corrupted & lacked integrity & values unlike the officials of the early days.
But not to forget, "Late in May 2008, the Malaysian Press reported the discovery of an ancient bronze vessel or Kendi near a river close to Mentakab, Pahang Darul Makmur that may be connected to the ancient city of Kota Gelanggi in Johor Darul Takzim. Both sites are linked by a network of rivers once believed to form a trans-peninsular trading route cutting across the Malay Peninsula."
The fact that artifacts could flow down the river may suggest floods sweeping away these invaluable items. Perhaps, they no longer are there now?
But then again, "Gelanggi" could be a mispronounciation of the Thai word "Ghlong-Keow" meaning box of emeralds or treasury of jewels. Perhaps, these "treasury of jewels" literally are there waiting for the handsome prince to discover?
Someone please get me the metal detectors... ;)
Hi Anon(s),
I'd like to share a quote that i picked up from my friend, Mr. Hans the Bluesman:
If you don't like something, change it ~
~ If you can't change it, change your attitude
~ Don't complain.
(Dr Maya Angelou)
Some food for thought for Anon 1. My best wishes for you, bro.
aiya.. typical malaysian attitute..
1) race
2) religion
3) politics
4) gado
appreciate things while you can.. they might not last long..
belom jumpa suda gado.. haven't you guys think that we are making it missing..
talking about tamak, well, you know
better who la.. man in the mirror? the person who sold you the mirror? the person who makes the mirror? or the country who allows the whole lot to move and live in la..
Hi Anonymous @ September 3, 2010 1:53 AM,
I can't really make out what is the message you are trying to get across on board here.
The man who sang "Man in the mirror" left a wonderful message to the world. The man who said, "If you wanna change the world" - it starts with the person you see reflected in the mirror, YOU!
Unfortunately, the man who said this did not like the reflection that he saw, and we witnessed this famous Black Michael Jackson in the 80's who transformed into a White Michael Jackson, (only God knows how).
So, I am not sure what is the message you are trying to get across. A little bit specific, please....
yo mystique earth,
it's all about us..
check it out!
Hi there Mystique, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri..
It’s me again. The one who likes to tease you with all these treasure stories. Actually the stories of such treasure are no joke at all.
It’s just that it’s very complicated. The treasure is there somewhere and is meant for something or somebody ( perhaps certain group of people ) and cannot simply be found by metal detectors etc. If these treasure are physically buried there then I bet people would have long discovered or found them ( with all the technology that we have right now, why do we still fail to locate the precious metals regardless being left buried in the earth or laying on the sea bed.. Remember Flor De La Mar?? ).
Being buried and being hidden are two very different things and that’s why I choose to believe that they are being hidden from our physical eyes.. See I told you it’s very complicated.
Let me elaborate more.. this time my story may attract attentions from those treasure hunters out there who may read your blog. Ok guys, from our perspective, I think most of us fail to understand what treasure or harta karun really means.
Some of these groups claim that the treasure have no owners. They are being left and forgotten for the owners have died or something and those who are supposed to inherit them know nothing of their existence…
Well the first assumption is really a big crap. Every valuable thing should have a valid owner ( I’m talking about treasure here, not the naturally buried gold in South African mines etc.. ).. The second assumption should be a better bet. Hope you guys can bear with me…
So the treasure have rightful owners ( the previous ones have died off course ).. and who are the current rightful owners?? This is what we should be thinking of instead of trying to locate the treasures at certain places.
You treasure hunters out there must first find the owners before you can get your hands on the treasure. They hold the keys to the treasure ( again.. it’s not like your car keys or dog house’s keys or even your wife’s safety box keys etc.. )..
These people are the inheritors and to be precise, they are the caretakers of the treasure, I call them the gate keepers.. some of the inheritors may not realize this until certain time in their lives.. and some have known this and can use their wealth with certain conditions :)..
The conditions or responsibilities are very-very big.. It’s like what Peter Parker’s grandfather said to him “Great Power Comes With Great Responsibility”.. and that great power it not like Spiderman’s.. it’s interdimensional… ;)
I will continue with the treasure stories once I got back from Bintan this weekend. This time I will relate them with the late Raja Suran’s story..
I’m going there to trace back the roots of our Malay Kingdom ( whether it’s during the Hindu or Islamic times.. )..
I should be going to Palembang first but since I’m not a rich person who can simply go to where I want to be, so I choose to go to Bintan instead.. then maybe I’ll visit Fort Canning in Singapore for another big piece of the puzzle..
Mystique, I like to share some of my thoughts with you but I cannot simply put my email address here. Perhaps you are kind enough to publish your email here so that I can write to you sometime ( err this is not a pickup line ok hahah ).. I think you will know me instantly once I get to email you, tq..
I will keep on doing this :P
Hi there Mystique, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri..
It’s me again. The one who likes to tease you with all these treasure stories. Actually the stories of such treasure are no joke at all.
It’s just that it’s very complicated. The treasure is there somewhere and is meant for something or somebody ( perhaps certain group of people ) and cannot simply be found by metal detectors etc. If these treasure are physically buried there then I bet people would have long discovered or found them ( with all the technology that we have right now, why do we still fail to locate the precious metals regardless being left buried in the earth or laying on the sea bed.. Remember Flor De La Mar ).
Being buried and being hidden are two very different things and that’s why I choose to believe that they are being hidden from our physical eyes.. See I told you it’s very complicated.
Let me elaborate more.. this time my story may attract attentions from those treasure hunters out there who may read your blog. Ok guys, from our perspective, I think most of us fail to understand what treasure or harta karun really means.
Some of these groups claim that the treasure have no owners. They are being left and forgotten for the owners have died or something and those who are supposed to inherit them know nothing of their existence…
Well the first assumption is really a big crap. Every valuable thing should have a valid owner ( I’m talking about treasure here, not the naturally buried gold in South African mines etc.. ).. The second assumption should be a better bet. Hope you guys can bear with me…
So the treasure have rightful owners ( the previous ones have died off course ).. and who are the current rightful owners?? This is what we should be thinking of instead of trying to locate the treasures at certain places.
You treasure hunters out there must first find the owners before you can get your hands on the treasure. They hold the keys to the treasure ( again.. it’s not like your car keys or dog house’s keys or even your wife’s safety box keys etc.. )..
These people are the inheritors and to be precise, they are the caretakers of the treasure, I call them the gate keepers.. some of the inheritors may not realize this until certain time in their lives.. and some have known this and can use their wealth with certain conditions :)..
The conditions or responsibilities are very-very big.. It’s like what Peter Parker’s grandfather said to him “Great Power Comes With Great Responsibility”.. and that great power it not like Spiderman’s.. it’s interdimensional… ;)
I will continue with the treasure stories once I got back from Bintan this weekend. This time I will relate them with the late Raja Suran’s story..
I’m going there to trace back the roots of our Malay Kingdom ( whether it’s during the Hindu or Islamic times.. )..
I should be going to Palembang first but since I’m not a rich person who can simply go to where I want to be, so I choose to go to Bintan instead.. then maybe I’ll visit Fort Canning in Singapore for another big piece of the puzzle..
Mystique, I like to share some of my thoughts with you but I cannot simply put my email address here. Perhaps you are kind enough to publish your email here so that I can write to you sometime ( err this is not a pickup line ok hahah ).. I think you will know me instantly once I get to email you, tq..
I will keep on doing this :P
Hi there Mystique, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri..
It’s me again. The one who likes to tease you with all these treasure stories. Actually the stories of such treasure are no joke at all.
It’s just that it’s very complicated. The treasure is there somewhere and is meant for something or somebody ( perhaps certain group of people ) and cannot simply be found by metal detectors etc. If these treasure are physically buried there then I bet people would have long discovered or found them ( with all the technology that we have right now, why do we still fail to locate the precious metals regardless being left buried in the earth or laying on the sea bed.. Remember Flor De La Mar ).
Being buried and being hidden are two very different things and that’s why I choose to believe that they are being hidden from our physical eyes.. See I told you it’s very complicated.
Let me elaborate more.. this time my story may attract attentions from those treasure hunters out there who may read your blog. Ok guys, from our perspective, I think most of us fail to understand what treasure or harta karun really means.
Some of these groups claim that the treasure have no owners. They are being left and forgotten for the owners have died or something and those who are supposed to inherit them know nothing of their existence…
Well the first assumption is really a big crap. Every valuable thing should have a valid owner ( I’m talking about treasure here, not the naturally buried gold in South African mines etc.. ).. The second assumption should be a better bet. Hope you guys can bear with me…
So the treasure have rightful owners ( the previous ones have died off course ).. and who are the current rightful owners?? This is what we should be thinking of instead of trying to locate the treasures at certain places.
You treasure hunters out there must first find the owners before you can get your hands on the treasure. They hold the keys to the treasure ( again.. it’s not like your car keys or dog house’s keys or even your wife’s safety box keys etc.. )..
These people are the inheritors and to be precise, they are the caretakers of the treasure, I call them the gate keepers.. some of the inheritors may not realize this until certain time in their lives.. and some have known this and can use their wealth with certain conditions :)..
The conditions or responsibilities are very-very big.. It’s like what Peter Parker’s grandfather said to him “Great Power Comes With Great Responsibility”.. and that great power it not like Spiderman’s.. it’s interdimensional… ;)
I will continue with the treasure stories once I got back from Bintan this weekend. This time I will relate them with the late Raja Suran’s story..
I’m going there to trace back the roots of our Malay Kingdom ( whether it’s during the Hindu or Islamic times.. )..
I should be going to Palembang first but since I’m not a rich person who can simply go to where I want to be, so I choose to go to Bintan instead.. then maybe I’ll visit Fort Canning in Singapore for another big piece of the puzzle..
Mystique, I like to share some of my thoughts with you but I cannot simply put my email address here. Perhaps you are kind enough to publish your email here so that I can write to you sometime ( err this is not a pickup line ok hahah ).. I think you will know me instantly once I get to email you, tq..
I will keep on doing this :P
Being buried and being hidden are two very different things and that’s why I choose to believe that they are being hidden from our physical eyes.. See I told you it’s very complicated.
Let me elaborate more.. this time my story may attract attentions from those treasure hunters out there who may read your blog. Ok guys, from our perspective, I think most of us fail to understand what treasure or harta karun really means.
Some of these groups claim that the treasure have no owners. They are being left and forgotten for the owners have died or something and those who are supposed to inherit them know nothing of their existence…
Well the first assumption is really a big crap. Every valuable thing should have a valid owner ( I’m talking about treasure here, not the naturally buried gold in South African mines etc.. ).. The second assumption should be a better bet. Hope you guys can bear with me…
So the treasure have rightful owners ( the previous ones have died off course ).. and who are the current rightful owners?? This is what we should be thinking of instead of trying to locate the treasures at certain places.
You treasure hunters out there must first find the owners before you can get your hands on the treasure. They hold the keys to the treasure ( again.. it’s not like your car keys or dog house’s keys or even your wife’s safety box keys etc.. )..
These people are the inheritors and to be precise, they are the caretakers of the treasure, I call them the gate keepers.. some of the inheritors may not realize this until certain time in their lives.. and some have known this and can use their wealth with certain conditions :)..
The conditions or responsibilities are very-very big.. It’s like what Peter Parker’s grandfather said to him “Great Power Comes With Great Responsibility”.. and that great power it not like Spiderman’s.. it’s interdimensional… ;)
I will continue with the treasure stories once I got back from Bintan this weekend. This time I will relate them with the late Raja Suran’s story..
I’m going there to trace back the roots of our Malay Kingdom ( whether it’s during the Hindu or Islamic times.. )..
I should be going to Palembang first but since I’m not a rich person who can simply go to where I want to be, so I choose to go to Bintan instead.. then maybe I’ll visit Fort Canning in Singapore for another big piece of the puzzle..
Being buried and being hidden are two very different things and that’s why I choose to believe that they are being hidden from our physical eyes.. See I told you it’s very complicated.
Let me elaborate more.. this time my story may attract attentions from those treasure hunters out there who may read your blog. Ok guys, from our perspective, I think most of us fail to understand what treasure or harta karun really means.
Some of these groups claim that the treasure have no owners. They are being left and forgotten for the owners have died or something and those who are supposed to inherit them know nothing of their existence…
Well the first assumption is really a big crap. Every valuable thing should have a valid owner ( I’m talking about treasure here, not the naturally buried gold in South African mines etc.. ).. The second assumption should be a better bet. Hope you guys can bear with me…
OMG, double posting, can you please delete my third and forth posting.. I did not do it intentionally :)
Hi Anon @ Me,
Welcome back, again....
Well, you seem to be one persistent guy who still seems to believe that the pot of gold is still out there. I admire your persistence in this subject.
About the double posting, not to worry as these things sometimes do happen, even during e-mails.
I will delete the repeats.
Anon @ Me,
I think I have read about the interdimensional thing you related about. I just could not remember when or where i read them.
It goes like this, the guy goes takes about 3 steps & he is in another dimension.
It sounds more like what only movies are capable of doing. But then, these type of stories are always associated with the B------ in the jungle. If you ask the practical guys or rationalists they will just shrug or laugh it off
Anon @ Me,
Since you asked, you can send me a mail at mystiquearth@gmail.com
But, I don't think you know me. You are pulling my legs, right?
The government are scared of the truth based on the fact in the city. Think about it, why would they try so hard to cover up the truth. If the city would be the remains of the old Hindu Kingdom, then the sultan would loose their power as state ruler and all the bumiputra rights would become part of history.
Hi Mr. John,
Thanks and that is an interesting point of view. The only way to dispel your theory is for the powers that be to expose their findings rather than to twist the facts with contradicting statements.
Dear ME & MR John,
I resent the racial connotation as implied by 'Mr John's' comments. Parts of the peninsular were at various times ruled by the Thais or the Tamil Chola kingdom. But following John's logic the Tamils must have populated in large numbers the peninsular then i.e Johor. If so why did the British bother to recruit Tamils as coolies to work their plantations? They could have easily recruited them from Johor or Lembah Bujang?
Did it not occur to you that the subjects of the Chola kingdom or Lembah Bujang were orang asli or indeed Malays who were once Hindus?
A bumiputra and proud to be one !
to hussain zain...
about history king chola from tamil souther india who invaded peninsular, all expert say that story is juz more propaganda...fyi there is none on such history...
u better see n read ALTER TERAHSIA BANGSA MELAYU BY SRIKANDI WHO ARE EXPERT IN HISTORY..U CAN READ AT riwayatmelayu.blogspot or mistisfiles.blogspot
1. Anon at February 24, 2011 3:56 PM
2. Anon at February 24, 2011 4:02 PM
Note to all commentators. Please abide:
1. Please respect the opinion of others. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Just because You DO NOT SHARE HIS/HER VIEWS DOES NOT MAKE HIS/HER OPINION WRONG and vice-versa.
2. And PLEASE......No Name calling. KIASU OR NO KIASU.!!
Anymore, repeats of such loud arguments will not be further entertained & will not be allowed at this site.
The Malaya Gomen is too affraid of Kota Gelanggi because they have to rewrite History.Hang Tuah,and all the hangs will be Hanged.Very good example of Bujang civilization,discovered Hindu Artifacts hidden and destroyed,Devilist cultured people.The secret will be revealed finnally
I was wondering whether there is any truth in this Kota Gelanggi because if it is, it should be pretty easy to locate with our current satellite technology.
If this Kota Gelanggi is true,that confirm that Malaysia plays a very crucial role in South East Asia history and it is interesting to trace the development of it
Thanks for the insight.
I think i will leave this one for the floor/readers to participate their views about the matter you have brought forward.
haha.. whats the problem then.. my family live in Kota Gelanggi,. a village near the Gelanggi cave,. All of us known well about the history and how it connected to people live nearby,. Its not a fiction,. Its real,. Even late Mat Kilau knows the sacred lost city,.
Hi Anonymous @ 12.53 - 14 May,
Thanks for your sharing here.
Care to share more about the Kota Gelanggi that you know?
Anonymous said...
haha.. whats the problem then.. my family live in Kota Gelanggi,. a village near the Gelanggi cave,. All of us known well about the history and how it connected to people live nearby,. Its not a fiction,. Its real,. Even late Mat Kilau knows the sacred lost city,.
May 14, 2011 12:53 AM
The above mentioned is located in Pahang. It is not the same as Kota Gelanggi. The Gelanggi cave history predates the Kota Gelanggi by a few thousand years.
Hi Negasunt,
Thanks for your contribution to the subject.
Hahaha somebody here said King Cholan e.t.c is all fake.Really ahh?.Then why in the world the Melayu gomen always talk about 15th century history and above?.Ok,say if you people have d*ck..okay,then prove it by bringing in the experts & trade the info with them.According to the real history (not your god TDM wrote 1),the Malays are not a race.They are tribe people.Tracing their origins back in Phillipines,mix of Polynesians.Another things is,if this site is a "Ancient""Malay""Gomen" 1,then go dig it & put in the paper to hu ha hu ha.But why it's not done so?.Because the 'Islamic' gomen don't want to repeat the same like they did in Semeling right?.I can assumelah,if the white man from Uni of Malaya back in 70's didn't do the discovery,by now the "Melayu" gomen might have blasted this place like how their brotherhoods did in Afghan & Pakistan.
i dont understand why all the ancent people when arrived in malaysia sure converted to Islam? hangtuah and so on.. our history is full of shit.. o Be=End who created the shit stories just becouse of ketuanan malayu.
Hi anonymous @ 4.32 pm; 24 November 2011,
Well, actually not all Indians in in ancient days converted to other religion. If you have the time, pay a visit to the muzium in Bujang Valley, district of Merbok, Kedah Malaysia. You will find that artifacts, Candi, Hindu deities were found. These people were practicing Hindu religion.
As for Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, and the rest. It's been rather quiet now. We know about the Han Dynasty in China and Hang Li Po. Can anyone prove this Hangs belong to which race group?
Well, not everything is about the ktnn m'yu although i would say that Politics and Education should stay apart. Politicians should back off and refrain from meddling in the education curriculum so that the integrity of the information is well preserved and not manipulated. Some History books have seen to have traces of bias in reporting about the race matters.
Well, friend, it is a long journey ahead. Real historians think differently, at least one that i know, Cikgu Osman. Just move on and don't let these things bother you.
My husband met someone who was making a documentary about this 'lost' site near Johor about 5/6 years ago. He mentioned many of the points mentioned above .He was part of a crew filming a documentary about a site of historic interest which lies within the jungle of Malaysia which is as significant as Angkor Wat is in Cambodia.He said people were not allowed to go to the site and it was not well known or on the tourist trail.The governement knew about it but wanted it kept hidden. For what reason I don't know.This site pre-dated the inhabitants of present day Malaysia. He also said that after the film was made it was suppressed and never shown because it could change the current theory and teaching of the history of Malaysia as it is presented today, and cause upset to the idea of who the first inhabitants of the country were. He also said it showed the religion of the first inhabitants to be Hindu,which could cause further concern to the Malay Muslim majority and the idea that they were the founders of Malaya and invalidate their Bumi Putra status. I started googling to try to find the name of the site and to find out if the documentary could be viewed online or what had happened to it when I came across this website which very much agreed with what he said. The film makers were not from Malaysia as I recall.I believe the film crew were from Singapore. Sorry I can't be more specific. That's all I remember.
Hi KD,
This is a fresh insight and a rather interesting input from you. If you happen to recall more information about the said documentary, please share it with us here.
Thank you for sharing.
There is hidden secret lies beneath the malaysian jungle and it is protected by the military.i have seen one of the great city in this land.the malays has a great history beyond our knowledge.the british knew this thing thru their explorer team. i cant give u the photos cause it has been taken by the military.they must protect it from public.but iam still workin on it why......?
Hi Anon,
That is rather an interesting piece of perspective you have brought.
I believe your hesitancy may be due to the sensitivities of the information.
Anyway, thanks for your comments.
I think its better to let the Lost City remains protected by Natural Vegetation of the Jungles than being excavated and later destroyed forever by explosives as what the babaric Talibans did to Bamiyan Statues!
Hi Anon, May 19, 2012,
You do have a point there.
Thanks for your POV.
Hi there Mystique,
It has been a long time since I left without a word ( wow this sounds like a love letter ;) )..
Well, it has been almost 2 years since my last voyage to Bukit Batu in Bintan Island ( Tombs of the Early Malay Rulers, pre & post-Islamic era )..
And it amazes me how people still arguing about which religion came first to this region, about rewriting history etc etc...
Many people still cannot understand why this place is kept secret. It's not about religion guys.. It's all about what have been kept/stored inside it.. and it's bigger than what we can even imagine..
The government knows about this and they don't want us to come near it and ruin their plans or what ever they are doing there right now..
It's not easy to explain this but if you guys have time, try to do some research on Vortex Points and Stargates.. There are many vortex points and stargates on this planet and most of them are well known ancient sites.
So stop pulling your hair arguing about religion, race and such cause you're wasting your time. There are more than that in Kota Gelanggi, trust me.
Gosh, you guys make me do this again..
By the way Mystique, sorry about not able to sending you an email before. I will do that when I think the time is right ;)
So have fun guessing guys..
Hi the mysterious but not too hard to recognize Anon,
Welcome back. It has been quite awhile. You must have been pretty busy working on the theories you discussed last time.
Yes, I still remember you. Ha..ha
Stay in touch.
great info here..i have sent you mail bro..pls reply a mail from mystiq35
"Sensitive issues" and historical issues are two different entities. To talk about what is being done to another is sensitive. On the other hand, to talk about something that was done almost 1000 years ago is not sensitive. So, what can we do to excavate this site and rewrite history? I'm keen to be a part of such a team, thank you. Siva, truly.
Hi Mr. Shiva,
I agree with your pov that historical and sensitive issues are aeons apart.
However, that is quite an interesting proposition you have there. But before we delve in further, there are other aspects worth giving thought to such as legality issues, funding for the excavation if approved, the need for high tech devices to aid in the search and how long an individual or a team has the endurance to wait to see the anticipated results.
Anyway, I also open this proposition for further discussion from other readers for input.
Dear readers, any comments?
Yes, what you said was 100% correct. The samecreason why the Malaysian Goverment doesnt give importance for Kota Gelanggi
Same reason
Same reason
Hi Mr. Hari,
Thanks for dropping by.
I seriously think that the Govt should give another chance for Mr. Raimy to explore the possibilities out there...
Hi Mystique,
Are the authorities still working on this project now?
Hi Anon @ June 21, 10.33am,
Sorry to say but no activities that I know for at this moment. Nothing on the media about this either.
Agreed with anon june 4 2012.. It has nothing to do about rewriting history, ketuanan melayu (that 'u guys' really afraid of) and other dumb things..
It's about the ancient civilisation technologies and might have smthng to do with the 'folks' on the dark side of the moon.. So gvmnt had to keep it secret and away from public..
Even if the kingdom is found to be a hindu, there should be no fuss about it cuz its stated on kbsm history textbook that the ancient malay kingdom was hindu and buddha before the malays converted (read: revert) to islam.. I wonder how 'u guys' could even miss this simple fact while 'u guys' talk and accuse things like a pro historian
Hi @ Just A Humble Guy,
Exactly my pov as can be seen at my conclusion. If something has been found, why leave the search halfway. We may be able to learn about the culture of the inhabitants of Kota Gelanggi. Sometimes, we get baffled how they do certain things hundreds of years ago when technology was not yet developed at that age. One of the myriad example is the Ajanta & Ellora caves in India.
Thanks for visiting.
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