I found something interesting. A man who has survived without any food or fluid for over 6 decades. Normally, fasting without food would lead to starvation, dehydration & eventually death. As i read about him, i learned a new word called "inedia" - the ability to live without food or fluid. Inedia is related to breatharianism in which people with such abilities that food & water are not necessarily needed for nourishment. Instead, they can rely on breath to draw on the energy of "Chi" or "Prana", the vital force by which they draw on or the energy from sunlight. This is a skill which is learned by the application of specific techniques.

The 76 year old ascetic who lives in Gujerat, India has not had any food since the age of 11 years after a spiritual experience that changed his life forever. Mr. Jani explains that he gets an elixir through a hole in his palate which helps him to survive without food or water.
More about him:
In November 2003, after over a year of coaxing, Prahlad Jani was finally persuaded to participate in a scientific research study. A medical research team of twenty-one specialists, headed by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah, had Prahlad Jani under twenty-four hours of observation for ten days at the Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad. The team's research expertise included cardiology, neurology, urology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, renal function, pulmonary function, ENT analysis, psychiatry, general medicine, and other specialities. A series of investigations were done on Mr. Jani in each of these areas according to a pre-determined protocol, and additional tests were carried out as per suggestions of the team. At the conclusion of their intensive investigations the team's doctors were left with an unexplained mystery, unable to disprove Prahlad Jani claims.
Prahlad Jani was initially kept in ICU for the first twenty-four hours. For the next nine days he was kept in a specially prepared room with a sealed-off toilet and a glass door. The room was also equipped with video surveillance to continuously monitor Prahlad Jani. Additionally, staff persons were assigned to stay in the same room with Prahlad Jani round-the-clock to make sure that he did not eat, drink, or pass urine or stool.
To assure researchers of no possible intake of water, Prahlad Jani agreed he would not bathe during the medical investigation. Prahlad Jani was permitted a small measured quantity of water to use as a mouthwash. He then spat the water into a beaker to verify that none had been drunk. An ultrasound, which was made of Mr. Jani's bladder twice daily, indicated that there was urine accumulation, which subsequently decreased on its own without passing.
At the end of the ten days of observation, the team of doctors verified that Prahlad Jani had not taken food or drank fluids. (The average person cannot survive without water for more than four days.) The team concluded that Mr. Jani's health had not deteriorated during this study. Also, according to the hospital's deputy superintendent, Dr. Dinesh Desai, "A series of tests conducted on him show his body mechanism is that of a normal person." Prahlad Jani's survival without food or fluids remains one of those unexplained mysteries.
The following are excerpts from the research team's concluding report:
1. The protocol was strictly adhered to.
2. Mr. Jani had not passed or dribbled urine during these 10 days.
3. He has not taken anything by mouth or by any other routes not even water for 10 days.
4. All his parameters remained within the range determined by the committee.
5. He has shown evidence of formation of urine, which seems to be reabsorbed from his bladder wall. However, at present the committee does not have any scientific explanation for the same but the help of senior scientists and medical personnel of the country is being taken for the same.
We are surprised as to how he has survived despite above particularly without passing urine for 10 days and remaining generally physically fit. However, it should be made very clear that we have confirmed the claim over 10 days only and we as scientists and responsible doctors cannot say anything regarding validity of the claim of his sustaining without food, drinks, urination and excretion of stools over several years.
Dr. Sudhir V. Shah (Consultant Neurophysician, Sterling Hospital/Associate professor of neurology at K. M. School of PGMR, Ahmedabad) headed the research panel of doctors who performed this study. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Sudhir V. Shah for providing the Case Summary of this study along with the photos of Mr. Jani. To view the Case Summary of Mr. Jani in its entirety please go to: P. Jani Medical Report.
Another similar research study, also headed by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah at Sterling Hospital, was conducted on Hira Ratan Manek. Mr. Manek claimed not to have eaten since 1995. Mr. Manek was kept under scientific observation round-the-clock for 411 continuous days. During this time Mr. Manek subsisted only on boiled water. This study also left researchers baffled. Dr. Sudhir V. Shah kindly provided a copy of his article about this study which was published in Gujarat Medical Journal – March 2001. To view this report online please see: Mr. Manek Medical Report.
esto es maravilloso!!
yo he ido a una conferencia con Hira Ratan Manek, es una bellísma persona, sólo se alimenta de la energía solar!!!
yo quiero hacerlo algún día!
un abrazo fuerte.
this is indeed an incredible feat, i've read this piece from another blog but your post here has certainly given me a comprehensive coverage, Excellent post, btw do you know what's the email address of this Prahlad Jani guy, was he ever married and other bio?
Guau Patricia,
¿Conferencia con Manek Ratan?
Me siento confiado que usted con su fondo de la yoga de Hatha y las credenciales, usted son una persona que se cabe ciertamente para intentar tal hazaña. Le deseo éxito en su oferta.
Un abrazo fuerte a usted también.
LOL Mr. Bluesman,
I certainly do not have his e-mail address or his website link. The personal bio is also not available.
I did try to search but quite limited with most having to focus only on the feat. Maybe if i stumbled upon it, i will certainly update my blog post & notify you.
Till then, hoped you had a splendid Sunday today.
Hola Alejandro Bien dicha.
La ciencia tiene limitación en sondar tal fenómeno porque los científicos están intentando validar esto de este plano físico. No tienen las herramientas a ir más allá de los reinos astrales o más allá. Ni unos ni otros tienen las capacidades para ver qué va más allá del plano más bajo de nuestra existencia. Saludos.
dear friend, I'm back to thank you for your opinion about the Taj Mahal.
your observation is brilliant, you said something that everybody else have missed!
a hug.
querido amigo, he vuelto para agradecer tu opinión sobre el Taj Mahal.
tu observación me parece brillante, has dicho algo que todas las demás personas han pasado por alto!!
un abrazo.
I liked this site. I found it by chance while searching for information about Buddha boy Ram Bahadur Bomjon. I have keen interest in spiritualism and I practice Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism.
There is lot of information of my interest in this site. Enjoyed reading them. So I stopped by to say thanks to you.
Hi Patricia,
That was how i felt about the subject. I am glad that you didn't take offense of my contrary views.
I tried searching for almost 1 hour but could not find further elements that held similar reports such as the one below.
Mi madre leída y compartida una vez conmigo. Ella me dijo que Shah Jahan cortó realmente los miembros de los arquitectos de modo que no construyan la reproducción exacta a otra parte. Aprendí sobre esto cuando era apenas un cabrito pero esta memoria permanecía. Pasé anoche cerca de 1 hora pero no podría realmente encontrar un sitio que había registrado ese incidente. De todas formas, era un placer que compartía mis 2 opiniones de los centavos con usted.
Un abrazo.
Hi Aparna,
Welcome aboard, nice knowing you.
I am not quite aware of "Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism" but I am sure there's a lot of good things there for you practice.
Glad you find this site interesting.
Take care.
Hey Mystique! Long time no see and I still enjoy your posts! :]
i was absolutely engrossed reading your post. a truly amazing story.
Hey Arz,
How are you?
Where have you gone missing all these while?
Hi Nitus,
Welcome aboard.
Glad you enjoyed the material.
Keep in touch.
Excellent post, I think we're talking about meditation and as you already know, this term can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state, so it doens't matter if you can eat or not. j2j3
Hi Kamagra,
Thanks for your input.
Usually the advanced Yogis are able to pull through without eating.
Prahlad Jani es un asceta muy conocido por su predilección por la masturbación compulsiva,¿quienes somos nosotros para juzgarlo ? al fin y al cabo es eso o el bestialismo. Un abrazo fuerte para todos.
prahlad jani's address - chunari wali mataji, gabbar hills, ambaji, gujrat, india. he meets only on sunday morning and full moon day morning. speaks very little. does not use computers.
sudhir bhardwaj
Hi Mr. Sudhir Bhardwaj,
I never thought anyone would probably come forward to share this information here. Thanks for the sharing here.
if you realy want to know about all these try to get more knowledge about yogiraj shyama charan lahiri or read an autobiography of yogi written by paramhans yoganand...
Hi Privesh,
Thanks for the pointers. Appreciate your input.
Has anyone checked out this article yet? http://www.skepdic.com/skeptimedia/skeptimedia90.html
The study was never verified by a credible source.
Nice information.unique information.really prahlad jani is an mystery man who can live without food and water.
Really nice post regarding prahlad jani mystery.if possible please share more articles related to mysterious stories and haunted places.
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