In the 70's we have been exposed to Monsters & Ultraman. In Ultraman, in every episode, there is a monster just waiting for it's turn to come out from the earth. (Back in my own yard, I only see worms coming out from the soil). So, no job for Ultraman over here.
On my way back home, I do come across some banners & advertistments by the road. They are trying to sell products that enlarge certain parts of human body for pleasure or beauty. Nothing about skeletons but the theme is about bigger size here again. Hmmm... I don't know what to say about this, anymore.
Recently, a friend sent me a mail plus photo attachments of a news report claimed to have originated in Chennai, India. The mail also had photo clips of the report to "validate" the "news". The media report claims that this ancient discovery was made by National Geographic(India Division). The location of the discovery is said to be from the Northern region of India. I realised that the date was not mentioned. Anyway, I thought it would be an interesting read, so I shared it at this site.
After I posted it, another friend, the Bluesman pointed out the truth about the claims. Feeling disgusted with my naivety, I probed the site & discovered that it is doctored. Immediately, the post was removed from my blog. "No space for such untruths," I said to myself.
Well, today another friend shared with me another mail with giant sized skeletons. Would I be fooled again? As expected, I did some searching & walla...I saw the truth, the whole bony truth & nothing else than the naked skeleton truth. Therefore, the post I cancelled is re-posted with a different title, theme & added hoax relating to human skeletons.
HERE ARE THE PHOTOS OF HOAX NO 1: Skeleton remains of Mahabarata - Chennai, INDIA.


So, the last 6 sets of photo is supposedly have been discovered in South East of Turkey at the Euphrates valley where many tombs of the giants were said to be uncovered. Great Find, yeah. What is the next story? Godzilla were actually household pets of the giant humans when dogs were too small to be spotted?
My sincere apologies to my fellow bloggers, TJ, Lita & LifesHighway for earlier posting about the story without checking the authencity of the news.
Suggested Reading:
It is not only our obsession with size but also with anything bizarre. We are always looking for mysteries to liven up our dull lives. Is there a child in all of us? As far as I am concerned I will be very happy if from yeti to snowman to big foot to lock ness monster each one is proved real.
Hi Swati,
Welcome to Mystique Earth.
It is true that bizarre things or incidents normally do capture the attention of people quite fast.
You have a very interesting point of view.
Oh well, with Photoshop anyone can develop miracles. Even hoaxes can be fun. What I need you to do is go out and find the unicorn. The little girl in me wants that so bad.
Hi Lifeshighway,
I got your message.
It was quite explicit yet kind enough.
Thanks for your understanding.
I did not mean any offense. Actually I am quite open to mysteries yet to be unfolded.
Hi Lifeshighway,
Welcome back.
I did not take any offense at all. In fact, I even thanked you for your kind words. I guess that there are still many who take an interest to know about this bizarre things.
These issues are just slightly more refreshing than the usual dose of Politics & negative news that we are pumped up through the media daily.
Sir, you are very kind to post your explanations about those giant skeletons I viewed. It was an added knowledge for me, though.
Kudos to you, a very responsible blogger.Keep blogging!
Hi Lita,
You are most welcome.
Thanks for the kind compliments.
Size really matters my friend but it has to be correctly applied. In any case size symbolises strength although the strength itself needs to be tested. In the make believe world, there's always a tendency for people to claim being more superior than others in one thing or another. That's the beauty of life itself, we can claim and others can disprove them and life goes on no matter what the outcome is.
Sorry to hear about the withdrawal of your post following my earlier input. You should have left it leaving another footnote to explain things..... i was actually impressed with the story, it was a good story to read and whether it was factually correct at the end of the day is different issue. You should have used your creativity & humour in your footnote. Albert Einstein was once asked as to why he published all his wrong experiments, he said that another fool should not be making the same mistakes again. There are many ways to use this statement by Einstein if we are creative enough. Just think about it.
Hi Mr Bluesman,
Point noted.
Though, most of the time, I am a little straight-forward. I am not sure if I have am quite equipped with the know-how to combine humor with creativity when the information is inaccurate.
But, I'll keep in mind if I have another opportunity to do so.
Thanks for your comments.
I was indeed talking about being straight forward, a fact may not be correct but the footnote rectification helps to explain the situation.
What would it be like if Lady Soverign was a giant king kong monster?
Hi Mr. Bluesman,
Point understood again. Thank you for the clarification.
If the next time around, a new footnote will be there to stay with the old inaccurate post.
Thanks for the tip.
Hi @ Pools,
I am not sure if i know about Lady Sovereign. Sounds like an important person.
But a lady King Kong? I remember a cartoon, I think it was "Mad" the comic book in the late 70's. It was a lady King Kong who was dressed like a human being.
It was not really a pretty sight.
It's good to be back here reading your nice blog again.
How about following each others blogs on Google Friends Connect?
Hi Mr. Harry,
Nice of you to drop by.
No problem on this request. It is already done.
Has anyone in the past witnessed explosion of supernova with naked eye ?
Hi @ Pools,
I have not experienced such an explosion. Perhaps you could share if you have some inputs on this subject. It would be interesting to know.
Thanks for your say.
Thanks Jonathan,
No problems at all. Keep up with the nice work.
I've been to about a dozen web sites on giant humans. There's not much middle ground. People are either believers or non believers. Strangely missing from both sides are the links, data, and documented investigative methods used to reach the respective conclusions.
Does anyone know of any documented credible science on the subject of giant humans?
I think that these so call giants indeed existed, a lot of ancient texts talked about these beings, but thanks to these hoaxes the real truth remains hidden, the governments always discredits this real finds.
Hi Viagra Online,
There has been discoveries of dinosaur bones which proves of the existence of large sized beings.
However, the doctored images of irresponsible people may have made people overly cautious even when it could be a legitimate case.
It depends on what you call a giant. People having 2.5 m still exist today, and people measuring up to 3m in the recent past (last 200 years) show that a man can in some condition reach up to 3.5 m in height in today's conditions. We do not know much about the pre-flood world, but it is possible that man could reach 5 maybe even 6m in height. Anything beyond that I would call total BS on. But if you ever looked at a 3.5 m statue of a man you know that 3.5 m still looks like a giant even if it is not even twice the average human size 1.8m.
It depends on what you call a giant. People having 2.5 m still exist today, and people measuring up to 3m in the recent past (last 200 years) show that a man can in some condition reach up to 3.5 m in height in today's conditions. We do not know much about the pre-flood world, but it is possible that man could reach 5 maybe even 6m in height. Anything beyond that I would call total BS on. But if you ever looked at a 3.5 m statue of a man you know that 3.5 m still looks like a giant even if it is not even twice the average human size 1.8m.
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