I'd like to start with the story of Mr. Mikao Usui (photo below). The founder of Reiki, an art of healing. By now, it comes as no surprise to you that I am going to say that he, too, found his way towards reaching his inspiration through a recluse into the mountains.
Reiki was an ancient art of healing. It was made possible through Dr. Mikao Usui who re-discovered it in the middle of the 19th Century. This is the story of Dr. Usui's search for this secret knowledge.
Dr. Usui went to America & attended the University of Chicago & became a Doctor of Theology. On his return to Japan, he discovered some Sanskrit formulas & symbols in old Buddhist Sutras which seems to have the answers to his questions. At that time he was living in a monastery in Kyoto, Japan & has undergone training as a Zen Buddhist for 3 years. On one fine day, somewhere in 1922, he finally asked his Zen Master how to attain Spiritual enlightenment after not making much progress. To his question, the master answered in 3 words, not "I Love You" but......"Die one time".
I would have got a jolting shock if people ask you to die when you ask them a question;)
In Mikao's case, he seemed to have understood what was the intrinsic message meant by his teacher and so set forth his journey towards Mount Kuriyama. He went there with a steadfast mind to fast for 21 days until he finds enlightenment...".
(a strict spiritual practice called "Shyu Gyo" which includes meditation & fasting for 21 days)
On the arrival at the mountain, he placed 21 stones to help him take account the passing number of each day. Nothing much happened each day until the 21st day, something extraordinary took place. It was still quite dark at the time when he saw a light approaching towards him at great speed. It grew bigger & bigger until it hit right at the middle of his forehead. He first thought that he was going to die until
he saw millions of colors....." (I'll stop here)
That was the beginning of the Usui system of Reiki which is still around and practised by practitioners of Reiki today. On the way back down the mountain, he stubbed his toe which resulted in bleeding. He held it in his hands for a few minutes & the bleeding just stopped & the pain disappeared. This was the first miracle realised by him after his 21 days pursuit.
Soon after, he was able to cure many kinds of ailment. He passed on his knowledge to others & soon many learned the art & could perform healing too. Such painstaking process one has to go through to attain mastery of a subject. I thought to myself, if I had put in a little effort during my school days, I would have got better grades in my maths. (;)) Anyone know any mountains that are safe from animals & crazy insects?
PHOTO CONTRIBUTION:www.angelreiki.ru